Interactive media design – What the study is about!
I have a Bachelor of Arts in Interactive Media Designer…. but what does that mean exactly? What is this degree actually about? The first thing I want to get off my chest – no, it’s not a communication design degree. (All my knowledge about advertising, branding I have largely from my training as a graphic designer and my work in classic advertising agencies.)
Interactive Media Design is an interdisciplinary course of study that focuses on design, management and programming.
The development of current and user-oriented concepts and their audiovisual implementation in interactive products. This includes the planning and design of action sequences, definition and development of application character and behavior, the conception of interaction principles as well as the design of interactions for screen-based media and installations.
The ability to motivate and lead oneself and teams, to create business plans and to found start-ups. This includes, among other things, the development, planning and support of digital corporate and brand presences, planning, organizing and coordinating project workflows, controlling and conducting research and market analyses.
Technology and coding
Understanding different technologies and being able to develop smart interactive products is the goal of the technology education of the program. Here I learned the technical development of custom software, web solutions as well as the programming languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript, C++) learned.
In the course, we learned from a team of lecturers consisting of academics and practitioners from the media industry. From the fourth semester on, you learn how to found a start-up and how to finance and market your idea. This includes convincing potential investors and creating an appropriate financing plan with the help of market analyses.
BTW: Recently, the bachelor project Xeem, which has since become a start-up, was featured on the German TV format „Die Höhle der Löwen“.🦁