Designing trust
In this entry I discuss the design of trust, especially with regard to smart product systems that work with artificial intelligence.
What is your position? What role do you like to take?
For me, the design of trust is an essential task of the designer, because he is responsible for building a relationship between man and machine – a relationship based on trust, as you know. There are various factors and theories, for me, one of the most understandable is the theory of design levels.
Thus, there is the theory of design levels, which are responsible for the development,
processing of feelings and emotional reactions. are fundamental. The visceral level is the first impression, how the object looks like. The first gut feeling is often influenced by the appearance, does something seem dangerous or friendly? Next, the behavior is assessed, does the
does it react the way I want it to? Was the experience positive or negative, how is it remembered? (Norman, D (2005) Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things).
So as a designer, you can’t not design trust, there’s virtually no way out for a
a good user experience. In addition, there are other factors that are important in order to
to create trust. These are an appropriate counterpart, acting transparently, and
as well as designing an interaction that feels confident.
As a designer, how can you create trust in a system that has integrated artificial intelligence?
intelligence integrated? How does the user experience this interaction? What do you have to consider?
Through the use of artificial intelligence, the context in which the user interacts with the machine becomes more important, because the artificial intelligence learns from every interaction and therefore needs to learn as much as possible in advance about how a user can interact, and what expectations are created. One interprets, so to speak, the behavior of the user and does not control it.
I think it becomes important for the „AI designer“ to put on the „ethical hat“ in the product development. What data is relevant? How can you consider in advance possible usage scenarios from every angle and where does it help the Designer to also look at data that comes from, for example, Machine Learning. What can one read from the patterns that are learned? What data needs to be given to the AI so that it reacts without prejudice? In addition, it is important to draw attention to errors because complex systems can also make mistakes, how do you design an error message that how to design an error message that allows the user to regain trust?
Is design enough to create a legitimate trust?
I think design is an influential and important factor in creating appropriate trust, but you should also look at the environment in which you are placing the smart system and what values you are influencing with your system.These three „value pillars“ (graphic below) should be equally weighted and considered in the design process seems to make sense to me.
How close is designed trust to nudging?
In general, I think that a designer who is aware of his or her role and who is ethical
principles should be able to design trust in such a way that it does not
manipulates. The „designed trust“ „nudges“ the user, should always happen under reserve to work out something positive. Enabling the user with the nudging to do something that he
that he would not be able to do without the system.